[E-book] Islamic principles and rules of debate- Sh. Saleh Abdullah ibn Humaid


The main · objectives of a debate are the substantiation of truth with proof and the refutation of doubts and fallacious statements and propositions.

It follows that debate should be held with the sincere cooperation of the debaters to unveil truth and state it to his partner correctly. A participant ought to work for revealing to his partner what the latter fails to perceive, and to follow the correct methods of inference to arrive at truth.

AI-Thahabi says in this connection: “A debate is only justified to unveil truth, so that the more knowledgeable should impart knowledge to the less knowledgeable, and to stimulate a weaker intellect.”

Besides the main objectives, there are secondary or supportive objectives of debate. Some of these objectives are listed below:

– · A general preliminary objective is getting acquainted with the other party’s or parties’ point-of View.
– Reaching a compromise that satisfies all the concerned parties

– Investigating broad-mindedly for bringing into play all the diverse approaches and conceptualizations, with a view to ensuring better and more feasible results, even if in later debates.

Islamic principles and rules of debate

Sh. Saleh Abdullah ibn Humaid

Language: English | Format: PDF | Page: 37 | Size: 864 KB

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